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Event Details

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

[In-person] Jockey Club Hall, Asia Society Hong Kong Center

08:30 Registration

09:00 Opening Remarks

09:15 Keynote Session: The Search for Converging Interests

10:15 First Panel Discussion: The International Economic System

11:25 Second Panel Discussion: 21st Century Diplomacy

12:30 Break; End of program for seminar-only attendees

12:45 Lunch

13:15 Fireside Chat

14:00 End

The morning seminar is free of charge and open to the public. Registration required.

Lunch and Fireside Chat Tickets:

Speakers and panelists: Complimentary

ASHK Members: HKD 580

Non-Members: HKD 680

To purchase more than two lunch tickets, please contact


The Centre on Contemporary China and the World (CCCW) at the University of Hong Kong and Asia Society Hong Kong Center (ASHK) are proud to present Trans-Pacific Legacies: a program in memory of Dr. Jeffrey A. Bader and Dr. David Dollar, two individuals who dedicated their careers to improving and advancing political and economic relations between China and the United States, making outstanding contributions to the field of China studies and in the lives of many friends and colleagues along the way.

Following opening remarks, a keynote panel will discuss the importance of people to people exchanges, constructive engagement, and finding pathways to overcome obstructions in the Sino-US relationship.

The second panel discussion will concentrate on Dr. Dollar's area of expertise - the international economic system - and feature a discussion among elite experts and former colleagues of Dr. Dollar's who have spent their careers focused on China's economy and US-China economic relations.

The third panel will turn to Dr. Bader's career focus with a discussion on 21st century diplomacy featuring his former colleagues from Washington and former counterparts from China on the current state of US-China relations and how to manage competition and contention between the two great powers.

The seminar will be followed by a ticketed lunch featuring a fireside chat discussion focused on how individuals and organizations can help to strengthen and improve Sino-US relations.

May 21, 2024

08:30 - 14:00 GMT+8

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The Hong Kong Jockey Club Hall, Asia Society Hong Kong Center 香港賽馬會廳, 亞洲協會香港中心
9 Justice Drive, Admiralty, Hong Kong

Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR (China)

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Lunch Menu

White Asparagus & Burrata Cheese (v)

Radish, Snow Pea Puree, Parmesan Cracker, Truffle Oil


Pan-Seared Sea Bream Fillet

Crab Meat & Mushroom Dashi, Potato Mashed


Braised Miso Portobello Mushroom (v)

Grilled Baby Gem, Buckwheat Rice, Tofu Dressing


Yuzu Sorbet & Jelly

Served with Aloe Vera & Mango Pearl

Coffee / Tea


Ticket for Seminar Only
Ticket for Lunch & Fireside Chat (Sold Out)
Member Price HKD 580
Standard Price HKD 680


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