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Enjoy a family interactive workshop through Pastel Nagomi Art!

Pastel Nagomi Art is a form of self-healing art founded in Japan by Mr. Hosoya Norikatsu in 2003.

The word "Nagomi" means harmony and calmness. And due to its therapeutic nature, you will be able to explore your artistic nature by using soft pastels, fingers, and simple tools to create heart-warming works, with or without any art background.

During the session, the instructor will guide the parent and child to work together on an artwork inspired by the current exhibition – Extended Figure: The Art and Inspiration of Lalan. We hope that this therapeutic art will help to improve on the parent and child relationship and also finding harmony and calmness together.

It is definitely a great way for parents to reduce stress and for children to express their creativity.

All materials needed for the session will be provided by the instructor. Hence there is a small charges for us to cover the cost of the materials. HK$150 for a parent and a child. HK$200 for a parent and two children. We do not accept child-only participants, an adult is needed to accompany them during the session.

Instructor: Man Shek, Advanced instructor of Pastel Nagomi Art, experienced art educator, and art administrator


  • Members’ Family Activities - Pastel Nagomi Art Family Workshop - 1 Parent + 1 Child

    HKD 150.-

    Member Price

    1 Parent + 1 Child

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  • Members’ Family Activities - Pastel Nagomi Art Family Workshop - 1 Parent + 2 Children

    HKD 200.-

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    1 Parent + 2 Children

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