Submit your questions to before December 12, 2022.
To look for more information about ALPS, go to TEPCO
**All in-person attendees will receive a gift bag with Fukushima food products.
**In-person attendees are required to present proof of a negative Rapid Antigent Test (RAT) result obtained within 24 hours upon event commence, and a Blue Code Vaccine Pass upon arrival.
By registering for this program, you agree to and understand that you may be photographed, recorded/videotaped and/or interviewed during the program, for archival purposes. By registering, you are granting ASHK a non-exclusive, royalty-free, perpetual, and unrestricted right to use, reproduce and/or display your image (film or photographs) and/or voice (video recording, sound clip or other formats), for archival purpose. If you wish to access your image/sound clip and/or no longer want ASHK and/or our partner organizations/vendors to use your image/ sound clip, please email us at It is the responsibility of the program participant to communicate to our staff at the venue his/her preference. By registering, you agree that ASHK and program co-organizers can continue in circulation and content may be stored by us and by our photographer in historical archives to the extent permitted by applicable laws and regulations.
通過登記參加此活動,你已同意並理解你可能在活動期間被拍攝照片、錄影及/或採訪,並用作與活動相關的存檔用途。 通過登記參加此活動,你同意永久授權予香港亞洲協會中心非專屬、免版稅、無限制,以及以任何方式使用、複製你的影像(錄像/照片)及/或聲音(影片攝錄、錄音聲帶或其他形式)作存檔用途。如果你希望查閱你的影像/聲音檔,及/或不希望香港亞洲協會中心及/或我們的夥伴團體/合作單位使用你的影像/聲音檔,請電郵至 與我們聯絡。活動參加者有責任向我們在場的工作人員提出其意願。你同意已使用的內容可以繼續流傳,而收集到的材料在適用的法律及法規容許的情況下可能會一直存檔於香港亞洲協會中心以及香港亞洲協會中心攝影師的資料庫。