In the 21st century, there are discussions over what are the necessary skills for the future. To be future-ready, we need to think holistically and deeply in terms of what determines the future and ways in mastering the future soft and hard skills. As pioneering Psychologist Carol Dweck suggested, "growth mindset" is essential for learning and self-improvement. Therefore, personal mastery and acceleration help equipping ourselves for the fast-changing world that requires different skills. Co-Founder of Brandstorm Communication - Marina Watt's latest book, Six Future Skills You Should Learn Now, provides insights of the 6 skills we need to master for the future. Join us for an insightful dialogue between Marina and Miranda Wong, Director of The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups Leadership Institute, for learning more about future skills and gearing up for the future!
二十一世紀有哪些必備技能? 要為未來做好準備,我們需要高瞻遠矚和掌握所需的各種軟硬技能。著名心理學家 Carol Dweck 指出,「成長心態」 對於學習和自我提升至為重要。因此,擁有堅定的意志,並持續進步,有助我們應對各種風高浪急的考驗。Brandstorm Communication 共同創辦人屈家妍撰寫的新書 << 未來技能今天學>> ,和讀者深入探討青年必備的6大軟硬技能。我們現誠邀 閣下參加由亞洲協會香港中心舉辦,香港青年協會領袖學院協辦,屈女士和香港青年協會領袖學院總監黃好儀的座談會,了解更多有關各種不同未來技能的關鍵和要素。
16:30 - 17:30 GMT+8