新冠疫情令愈來愈多人出現「抗疫疲勞」,無論在生活上和工作上,心理健康漸漸成為不可或缺的一環。但全球持續肆虐的疫情,兩年以來的確增添了不少城市壓力,兒童、家長和長者更是當中最容易受各種情緒影響 - 如憤怒、沮喪、悲傷、恐懼、厭惡等。了解自身的情緒,是接受任何狀況的一大課題和階段。我們如何更好地面對自己的情緒?如何照顧自己及他人?家長又如何管理子女的心理素質?參與我們8月11日的研討會,獲得更多如何善待情緒的分享及小貼士吧!
Amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, an increasing number of people are claiming to suffer from "pandemic fatigue". While mental health has always been a cornerstone of both work and study lives, the onset of the pandemic has added to the amount of stress that the city faces. Children, adults and the elderly are among the most susceptible of people who may encounter a myriad of emotions ranging between anger, frustration, sadness, fear, disgust and grief, all accumulated in the past two years. Understanding our own emotions is the first step to accepting them. How can we learn to cope with our emotions better? How do we take care of ourselves and others? What are ways in which parents can help guide their own children's mental wellness? Join us on August 11 to get some mental health tips and insights on how to take care of your emotions!
16:00 - 17:00 GMT+8